Servi church route

Servi Church Route near Precise Tale Poggio Alla Sala


From Piazza del Campo you follow Via del Porrione. After a few metres there is Vicolo le Scotte on the right side, where the Synagogue lies. On the left-hand side of the street you can see the manneristic façade of St Martino’s Church where mediaeval frescoes were recently restored. Close to St Martino’s Church there are the Renaissance arches of Logge del Papa. The Palazzo Piccolomini is situated in front of them. It houses the State Archives and the biccherne collection, the painted covers of the ancient account’s books of the Sienese Republic. Going back to Via del Porrione and proceeding straight away, you arrive at the Basilica dei Servi. This preserves various paintings dating back to different periods. One of the highlights is the so-called Madonna del Bordone by Coppo di Marcovaldo. Tradition has it that Coppo, taken prisoner during the battle of Monteaperti, painted it to gain his freedom again. The Virgin and Jesus’ faces were repainted by a painter of Duccio’s school.
Coming back to Via del Porrione and turning to the right into Via Rinaldini, you can see a small alley on the left-hand side. This is Vicolo degli Orefici, one of the most important streets of Siena in the Middle Ages.